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From Home to Storefront: A Guide to Starting a Cell Phone Repair Business in 2023

As our world increasingly relies on smartphones and devices, it’s no surprise that cell phone repair businesses have seen a tremendous surge in demand.

As our world increasingly relies on smartphones and devices, it’s no surprise that cell phone repair businesses have seen a tremendous surge in demand. Whether you’re an experienced technician or an entrepreneur looking to tap into this booming industry, starting your own cell phone repair business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. 

This comprehensive guide breaks down the process from home-based operations to storefront opening. It provides helpful tips for success in the cell phone repair market.

Why Start a Cell Phone Repair Business?

Before starting the setup process, if you’re still in doubt about starting a cell phone repair business, here are some reasons why a cell phone repair business is feasible.

1. High demand

Cell phones are now an essential part of our daily lives. As such, they are prone to accidents and breakages. This accident creates a continuous demand for repair services, giving you a consistent flow of customers.

2. Low startup costs

Unlike many other businesses, starting a cell phone repair service doesn’t require hefty investments. You can start small by repairing phones from home and gradually expand your business as it grows at a mere cost of $2450.

3. Flexibility

Being your boss allows you to set your hours and terms, balancing work and personal life according to your preferences.

4. Growing market

As technological advancements rapidly expand, the cell phone repair industry will grow by a CAGR of ~5% from 2021 to 2027. Here are some metrics that overview the repair industry’s growth.

  • Industry size in the U.S. – $4 Billion (Data of 2020)
  • No. of repair businesses in the U.S. – More than 9000 (Data of 2021)
  • No. of people working in the repair industry in the U.S. – More than 26,000 (Data of 2021)

5. Potential Earnings from a Cell Phone Repair Business

While the exact earnings from a cell phone repair business can vary, here’s a general idea of what you can expect:

  • Working from home with minimal overhead expenses, an individual can earn $30,000 to $60,000 annually.
  • Depending on location and clientele, a storefront business with multiple technicians can earn upwards of $150,000 annually.
  • Adding additional revenue streams (accessory sales, device trade-ins, etc.) can increase earnings.

These reasons indicate that you can set up a cell phone repair business easily and earn a significant income from a cell phone repair business. However, you must have three things–

  • Dedication, 
  • Hard work, and 
  • Customer-centric approach.

Now let’s look at how to start a cell phone repair business step-by-step.

Step 1: Build your skills and knowledge

To ensure success in the cell phone repair business, it is crucial to possess the necessary skills and knowledge. Here are some steps to help you:

  • Learn the basics of cell phone repair through online courses, tutorials, or by attending a training program.
  • Stay updated on the latest cell phone models, tech advancements, and common issues users face.
  • Contact experienced repair technicians for advice, guidance, and potential mentorship opportunities.

Step 2: Gauging the Demand for Cell Phone Repair in Your Area

Before taking the plunge, you’ll need to determine if there’s enough demand for a cell phone repair service. Conduct thorough market research by–

  • Estimating the number of smartphone users
  • Identifying your potential competitors
  • Talking to potential customers to understand their needs and preferences

Note trends and use this information to project sales and potential customer base.

Step 3: Identifying Your Target Market

Before diving into the specifics of starting your cell phone repair business, it’s essential to identify your target market. Some companies focus solely on smartphone repairs, while others offer services for tablets, laptops, gaming consoles, and other electronic devices. Analyze your local market, competitors, and the particular niche you’re most interested in serving. 

Understanding your target audience will be invaluable when crafting a successful business plan and marketing strategy.

Step 4: Developing a Business Plan

Like any other business, a cell phone repair service needs a solid business plan to guide your progress, secure financing, and set you up for long-term success. Be sure to include the following elements in your project:

1. Business Structure

Select the legal structure for your business. It can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Each has tax implications and legal requirements, so consult a qualified professional to make the right choice for your business.

2. Business Model

Choose a business model that best fits your needs and goals. Some common options include:

  • Home-based – This is perfect for those starting with a low budget. You can work from home, offering pick-up and drop-off services for your clients.
  • Mobile – Operate out of a van or truck, providing on-site service at clients’ homes or workplaces. This option requires more mobility and benefits your clients’ convenience.
  • Retail – Opening a storefront requires a more significant investment. Still, your store’s foot traffic and visibility can lead to higher revenue.

3. Services Offered

Determine the range of services your business will offer, from basic repairs to more specialized fixes. This specialization will depend on your expertise as well as your target market. Additionally, factor in additional services such as device diagnostics, accessories sales, or mobile device repairs.

4. Pricing Strategy

Research competitors to determine a competitive pricing structure to ensure profitability without deterring potential customers.

5. Marketing Plan

Outline how you plan to reach your target audience and promote your repair services (e.g., online advertising, flyers, word of mouth, etc.).

6. Long-term Goals

Establish milestones and a vision for your business’s future. Consider where you hope your cell phone repair business will be in 5 to 10 years.

Step 5: Creating a Budget

Determine the necessary expenses for starting and maintaining your cell phone repair business, including:

  • Workspace rent (if not operating from home)
  • Equipment, tools, and parts – Costs $500 to $1000
  • Business registration and licensing fees – Costs $150 to $200
  • Marketing and advertising – Costs $200 to $300 (for brochures)
  • Insurance – Costs $100 to $300

Allocate funds for each category like the above with the ballpark range. Develop a financial plan to cover your ongoing costs while generating a profit.

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Certifications and Licenses

Becoming certified and licensed is crucial for the success and credibility of your cell phone repair business. Consider the following:

  • Certifications – Look into the Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) or the Certified Electronics Technician (CET) programs. These certifications provide the necessary knowledge to excel in the electronic repair industry.
  • Licenses – Obtain relevant business licenses and permits as your local and state authorities require.

Keep your certifications and licenses current. They will set you apart from competitors and help gain customers’ trust.

Step 7: Set up your workspace

Before starting your cell phone repair business, you’ll need a suitable workspace. While operating from home can be cost-effective, a physical storefront brings numerous benefits:

  • Increased visibility, leading to higher foot traffic and customer acquisition potential.
  • A professional environment enhances credibility and customer trust.
  • Room for growth and expansion as your business scales.

When selecting a location, consider proximity to complementary businesses, accessibility, and rental costs. Once you’ve secured a space, invest in essential tools, equipment, and replacement parts for a fully-functional repair shop.

Step 8: Develop your brand and marketing strategy

Building a recognizable and consistent brand is crucial for long-term success. Develop a brand identity, including a logo and color scheme, that reflects your business’s values and sets you apart from competitors.

Your marketing strategy should encompass various channels, such as:

  • Online presence – Invest in a professional website and actively maintain social media profiles to engage with potential customers.
  • Local marketing – Utilize print ads, flyers, and partnerships with local businesses to increase visibility in your community.
  • Networking – Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences to connect with peers and potential customers.


Starting a cell phone repair company can be a great entrepreneurial opportunity for those with technical skills and a passion for customer service. With these steps and hard work, you can turn your home-based hustle into a successful storefront business. 

So roll up your sleeves, sharpen your skills, and get ready to repair some phones!