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Guest Posting: Write For Us On Business, Technology, Marketing & Lifestyle

Guest Posting: Write for Us on Business, Marketing, Technology & Lifestyle


Are you a passionate expert in your field with valuable insights and knowledge to share? If so, we invite you to contribute a guest post to our blog! We are always on the lookout for fresh perspectives and unique voices to enhance the content we offer our readers. By contributing to our blog, you have the opportunity to showcase your expertise, reach a wider audience, and provide valuable information to our community.

According to Neil Patel, guest posting offers numerous advantages, such as increased exposure, improved SEO, networking opportunities, enhanced credibility, lead generation, and skill development.

We respond to all submissions within 3 days. We get a lot of submissions, and we only want the very best articles. If you want to write for us, we encourage you to look through our existing articles to get a feel for what we’re interested in.

How to Write for Us

Before you get started, we’ve put together some essential dos and don’ts to ensure your guest post meets our guidelines and provides value to our readers.


  1. Focus on quality content: Your guest post should offer valuable, informative, and actionable content that our readers can benefit from. Write with clarity and provide well-researched insights to support your points.
  2. Align with our niche: You can write for us on business, marketing, technology, and lifestyle. Ensure your guest post aligns with our blog’s focus and target audience. Familiarize yourself with our previous content to understand the topics we cover and the tone we maintain.
  3. Write a detailed article: Please submit articles of at least 600 words, depending on the type of content you are looking to produce.
  4. We prefer that you let us choose a featured image for you: If you insist on using your image, please provide us with the image source. Make sure that the image is at least 1280 PX wide, in jpg or webp format.
  5. Adhere to proper formatting: Break up your content with subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to make it more readable and user-friendly. Include relevant images or multimedia elements to enhance your post’s visual appeal and engagement.
  6. Proofread and edit: Ensure your guest post is free from grammar and spelling errors, as well as any factual inaccuracies. Take the time to thoroughly proofread and edit your content before submitting it for review.
  7. Promote your guest post: Once your guest post is published, share it across your social media channels and within your network to maximize its reach and impact.


  1. Avoid plagiarism and copyright issues: Plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in immediate rejection of your submission. Ensure your guest post is entirely original and not published elsewhere. Don’t send any images that might involve copyright issues.
  2. Refrain from overly promotional content: While it’s acceptable to mention your company, product, or service within the context of your guest post, avoid making the content overly promotional or self-serving.
  3. Don’t stuff keywords: While it’s essential to optimize your guest post for search engines, refrain from keyword stuffing. Instead, incorporate relevant keywords naturally and strategically throughout your content.
  4. Skip excessive linking: Limit the number of outbound links within your guest post. Focus on including only high-quality, relevant links that add value to the content and support your points.
  5. Avoid controversial or offensive topics: Refrain from writing about controversial, offensive, or divisive topics that may alienate our readers. Stick to informative, helpful, and engaging content that aligns with our blog’s values and mission.

How to Submit Your Guest Post

By following these steps and adhering to the dos and don’ts of guest posting, you can contribute valuable content that engages our readers and elevates our blog’s quality. We look forward to your submission and the opportunity to share your expertise with our community.

If you want to write for us, you can send the article to us at admin [at] vertdell [dot] com. We will go back to you within 1-3 days if the topic or article is in our interest.